Recycaball™ work closely with hundreds of clubs, coaches and players across the UK, offering the chance to recycle used tennis balls. So many tennis balls end up in landfill once they've been used in competitions, and yet for most there's a perfectly good application for them in other areas once the match is won. We collect hundreds of used tennis balls every week, and arrange for their redistribution into other industries and applications. Clubs don't have to worry about disposal, and we pay for the courier service and the actual balls themselves.

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Clubs, players & coaches from all over the UK contact us and request a recycling account. We are a popular service, and there's a good chance you'll be on a waiting list to join, so please be patient! Once your accounts been approved, you'll be given access to the member area on our website where you can order recycling boxes from us directly. Once you've collected enough used balls to fill a box, you can send it back to us free of charge with a pre-paid shipping label we'll provide. We receive the balls you send, which are hand processed, graded, repackaged and redistributed. Assuming the used balls meet our published standards, you get paid for the balls that you've sent via direct bank transfer from us. As a Recycaball™ member, we keep you up to date via email on things like shipping box availability and current prices.

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Charitable donations..

From some of the proceeds of the balls we collect, we make regular donations to a wide variety of charities and good causes all across the UK. These beneficiaries are chosen in the main by you, our network of suppliers, clubs & coaches. You can also elect to donate your ball proceeds directly to a charity, which we happily do on your behalf. In addition, we frequently donate balls directly to local animal shelters, kennels and dog training groups including local Police & Fire dog sections.

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